Winter Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Wow, I can’t complain (much) about the winter weather that we’ve been having. It sure is cold outside but having the sun shine makes a world of difference. I remember this time last year, we already had snow.

One thing that David and I try to do is get our kids outside and active daily. It doesn’t always happen but we make an effort to do it as much as possible. Last night I wasn’t home but I found out that David hadn’t taken Spencer out for a bike ride. Spencer has a ton of energy so it’s great to get him outside to burn some of it off.

I love finding scavenger hunts to do with my kids. Let’s be honest, Emme just comes for the walk but Spencer absolutely loves them. Earlier this week my sister was looking after my kids and took them outside for a nature walk. They brought home a bag full of their findings which included leaves, sticks and pine cones. It smelled just like Christmas!

I came across this simple scavenger hunt that your kids will love…and you might just love too, to get them outdoors and moving. It appeals to the five senses which is great for the development of little ones.

It’s amazing how much a little fresh air does us good!

Scavenger hunt can be found here
