The Most Simple Valentine’s Day Gift Idea for Kids..that Won’t Break the Bank

I hope you’re having a great week! I’ve been at home with the kids this week and it’s  definitely been a change of pace. It’s been good to be at home with them and to get some much needed things done around the house.

I came across a great Valentine’s Day gift idea and thought I’d share it with you. It’s great if you have kids in school or daycare but hey, to be honest, if I was still in highschool, I’d give these out to my friends. They are so easy to make and quite cute. I bought the sheer bags and the ring pops from the Dollar store (it was very inexpensive) and had the gift tags printed.

I’ve included a free printable below that you can use to attach to your Valentine.

Happy Love Day!

Printable I Here I
