Lock Me Up

David and I always talk about how fast cars come whizzing down our street. Why they haven’t installed speed bumps is another story. Because the front gate of our house opens up directly to the street, we knew that we had a problem on our hands when Spencer was able to open our front door.

I was looking for a child-proof lock that would work with a lever-type door handle. I hadn’t seen one before but knew that one must exist as not everyone has a round door knob. I came across one from Safety-First that literally is a god-send. The lock is very easy to install. David installed it in minutes AND it’s even easier to use.

Spencer is one clever guy but he can’t figure out how to open the door with the lock on. (I must say that when he’s standing right by the door, I’ve tried to hide how I open the safety lock.) It gives me peace knowing that my little one isn’t able to run outside at a moment’s notice.

Lock can be found here and here
