
We recently visited Kidtropolis in Richmond. This was our first time going. I had heard about it online but didn’t know anyone who had been. I always love checking out new things for our kids to do so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a drive out to Richmond to see what this place was all about.

After you sign in, there is able place to put your coats, shoes, etc. We had Emme’s bucket car seat with us, so we left it here while we walked around. There are also two rooms that can be used for birthday parties as well as a cafe for food.

When you walk past the two party rooms, it is like you are in kid heaven. I just remember thinking, “This place was amazing! Seriously, where was Kidtropolis when I was a kid??”

Spencer first spotted the airplane and made his way inside. There were pilot uniforms that could be put on and kids could sit and pretend to fly the airplane.

There are many other mini buildings that kids can go to from the veterinary, to the school house to the fire station. David and I are both teachers and although we loved this place, we thought they could have made school (or teaching) seem a little more fun. 🙂

Spencer also loved the slides. They have a section where there are three large slides. He would have stayed here for hours if we didn’t have to go to home. These slides are on the larger size, so if you have younger kids, you could always go down with them.

This would definitely be a great place to check out if you have kids ages 2-9. They are sure to have a great time. Being at Kidtropolis reminded me of how we used to play back in the day – imaginative play without any technology; we were able to entertain ourselves for hours (at least that’s how I remember it) on end.

If your kids are into playing pretend, this is definitely the place for them.



P.S. – A few things to keep in mind when planning your trip:

  • Parking is quite limited during week days (although you can park at the Richmond Oval). There is more parking on the weekend.
  • There is a discounted rate ($12) for Toddlers aged 2-4 from 10-12pm on Tuesdays. This is when we went.
  • If you’re bringing a few kids, the cafe can be expensive. You might want to bring some snacks for your little ones.